Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Broken vintage and antique jewelry is disassembled to supply me with glass beads, crystals and metal elements. The only plastic I ever, rarely use is vintage bakelite, lucite or celluloid. Seashells, sea glass and natural stones are also favorites of mine. Vintage "new old stock" from the 1970’s provide findings and chains. I refuse to use new commercial supplies. Each creation is carefully wire-worked, combined with vintage and antique artifacts like chandelier crystals, skeleton keys, square nails… there is no limit to what can be incorporated into a piece. Designing jewelry this way is such a joy!

About Mutzikat

Mutzi was my beloved little Siamese cat. She was with me for almost twenty years. She passed in the early 90’s when I first started using the internet, so Mutzikat became my online avatar.

Joyce is the person behind the internet name. I have been an artist my entire life… a gift from God. I was making jewelry for my mother at 8 years old. I was selling my oil paintings at 15 years old. I was a regular craftsperson at the famous Eugene Saturday Market in the 1970’s. Now that I’m newly retired I can finally get back to what I love. I have expressed my art through various mediums, but right now… jewelry is my passion.
I’ve established my good online reputation with eBay for the past ten years, and I’ve been with Etsy under other usernames, selling vintage items. Now Mutzikat Jewelry is also with Big Cartel and Facebook.

I'm very happy to now be using Blogger to share my creations with others.